Sandu Ciorba Songs: Presenting the most dynamic and versatile – Sandu Ciorba. ^ "King of Gipsy Music by Sandu Ciorba on iTunes".^ "Fara adversari Vol.4 by Nicolae Guta & Sandu Ciorba".3 by Nicolae Guta & Sandu Ciorba on iTunes". ^ " "Smechera" from Fara Adversari Vol.2 by Nicolae Guta & Sandu Ciorba on iTunes". ^ " "Cine e la Mine-n Gand" from Fara Adversari Vol."Despre-viper-production - Viper Production". ^ "VIDEO "Huffington Post": "Pe cimpoi" a artistului Sandu Ciorba, nominalizare pentru "cel mai ciudat videoclip" de pe internet".^ a b "Music Videos Are Different In Romania", by Ryan Barrell, The Huffington Post UK.
^ a b c d "Wielka, dzika bomba", by Witt Wilczyński, April 1, 2013. 2009 French film Korkoro about the times during the Porajmos ("Gypsy Holocaust"). 2013 American-Romanian film Charlie Countryman. Sandu Ciorba's songs have appeared in several films. Some songs of Sandu Ciorba were included in various collections of Roma music by Viper Productions. 2017: Fără adversari Vol.5 (with Nicolae Guță), Viper Productions, iTunes. 2015: King of Gipsy Music, Viper Productions, iTunes. 2012: Fără adversari Vol.4 (with Nicolae Guță), Viper Productions, iTunes. 2008: Fără adversari Vol.3 (with Nicolae Guță), Viper Productions, iTunes. 2007: Fără adversari Vol.2 (with Nicolae Guță), Viper Productions, iTunes. Sandu Ciorba cooperates with Viper Production music studio devoted to Romani music. Ĭiorba's songs have appeared in several films. In particular, he cooperates with manele singer Nicolae Guță. These parody style songs is only part of Ciorba's work. The tune of "Pe cimpoi" draws upon Transylvanian folklore tunes. In 2015, Romanian press widely commented on the fact that Huffington Post UK tongue-in-cheek nominated Ciorba's hit "Pe cimpoi" ("On Cimpoi" or "By Cimpoi" over 50 million views ) " the weirdest video on the internet". The title of the hit is translated in Polish as "Wielka dzika bomba" ("Huge Wild Bomb"). As of 2022, the accompanying music video for "Dalibomba" has received over 43 million views. His hit single "Dalibomba" shot him to stardom in Poland, where viewers and critics described the track as "It is a piece of shit, but I am watching it for the fifth time". Born in Cluj-Napoca, Ciorba is of Romani heritage.
His singles "Dalibomba" and "Pe Cimpoi" have become viral in Poland, and critics praised his musical and video style as "unique and weird". Alexandru Ciorba, better known as Sandu Ciorba, is a Romanian singer-songwriter known for his work in the "etno" musical genre (Romanian folkloric music with a modern twist).