
Xmodgames connection error
Xmodgames connection error

xmodgames connection error

Give people the benefit of the doubt, just like you would if talking to them in person. Posts that include personal attacks, overtly negative comments, sarcasm, non-constructive criticism, falsehoods, defamation of character, libelous speech, or gratuitous profanity will be removed, as they do not contribute to the community atmosphere we want to maintain.

xmodgames connection error

Any pattern of poor behavior may result in losing your Community posting privileges. If you are new to the FlexRadio Support Community, take a few minutes at review the How to use the FlexRadio User Community post to get a better understanding of how to use the Community.The first is internally which can take sometime to do. If your not able to do this mod yourself. You can check with WZ5Q about doing the mod. Doing this makes it an Unbalanced Connector. Just another note: If you were using Unbalanced Cables coming into the Input of Channel 1 and going out of the Output of Channel 2, then you would use the opposite Balanced Cable to tie Channels 1 and 2 together. You will need to adjust the parametric equalizer to your voice, microphone and radio every ones voice is different. The low end bass settings I have turned off only because I feel I have enough lows coming from the EX Mode OF set as off. Items highlighted in red are the setting I'm using.Įxample 80Hz is the best setting range to work with. These are the settings being used with my Yaesu FT, all equalizer setting in the radio are turned off and the radio band width is set to 3. When using balance cable be sure it through out all your chain.

xmodgames connection error

Here's a few pictures of my Behringer audio gear in a home brew rack. II Place cursor over image for a larger view. I would not suggest running any rack gear directly into the front of your radio without some type of audio pad or ibox.

xmodgames connection error

The audio coming out the rack gear is usually much greater than the audio front end of your radio can handle. This pad should bring the audio level down about 23db between the rack and radio.

Xmodgames connection error